Ever feel like you're stuck in the detail when you want to be doing strategy?

Oct 01, 2024

Ever feel like you're stuck in the weeds? You know, deep in the day-to-day grind, drowning in endless tasks that don’t really move the dial and that seem impossible to escape. You’ve got big ideas—strategic visions you want to bring to life—but somehow, you end up spending hours managing details that chew up all your time.

I’ve been there. And the frustration is real.

You start every week with the intention of focusing on high-impact projects—the things that will push your team or organization forward. But then the emails flood in, meetings pile up, and you find yourself pulled back into the operational chaos, handling the same issues you were dealing with months ago. Meanwhile, that bold, innovative plan you had? It stays buried under a growing list of to-dos.

It feels like no matter how much you try to delegate or carve out time for the bigger picture, you’re always reacting to the latest fire or urgent request. And here's the kicker—while you're stuck in this loop, your performance takes a hit, not just your own, but your team's as well.

When you're so focused on the small stuff, you're not leading. You’re managing. And while there’s nothing wrong with management, it’s not what gets you to that next level of impact. It’s not what helps you turn vision into reality. 

Here’s the real kicker—while you’re stuck in this loop, your boss is expecting you to step up. They want results, vision, strategic leadership, not someone getting dragged into the detail of every fire. 

You're in the curse of mid-senior management, constantly wearing two hats: operational firefighter and strategic thinker. Balancing them is nearly impossible. You feel the pressure to deliver on both fronts, but the urgent always seems to win over the important.

If you’re reading this, nodding your head, then it might be time to ask yourself—are you doing the work that really matters? Or are you caught in a never-ending loop of urgent tasks that keep you stuck?

All this has ripple effects across your team. They see you bogged down keeping ALL the plates spinning, and they stay in their lanes, afraid to take more ownership or make decisions without your say-so. Your time gets sucked into operational work, and their growth is stunted. It’s a vicious cycle. 

Does this sound familiar? You’re not alone. Many leaders find themselves stuck in this exact space—handling what’s in front of them instead of guiding their team toward the bigger picture.

Think about all these costs: Your boss is wondering why you’re not stepping up. Your team is disengaged, waiting for you to lead. And you’re left with a sinking feeling that you’re just not delivering at the level you know you’re capable of. Not to mention a growing sense of frustration—both yours and theirs.

So, how do you break free from the weeds and shift your focus to the strategic impact you’re supposed to be making?

If this resonates with you, it’s time to start thinking differently about how you lead. Imagine a life where you're not bogged down by the details, but instead, you're leading with clarity, driving strategic decisions, and watching your team thrive under your vision.

If you're ready to make that shift, to stop managing and start leading, to reclaim time for yourself and make an even bigger impact I have a solution for you.

The Global Leadership Mastermind is our newest solution built from years of experience working with leaders just like you. It's designed to transform the way you think and lead—combining hands-on support from exceptional coaches and a powerful community of peers who are navigating the same challenges.

This isn't about just leveling up—it’s about fundamentally changing how you lead. We’re looking for 15 leaders ready to break free from the daily grind and step into the type of leadership that you dreamed of delivering. Are you one of them?

Ready to tackle this head-on? The Global Leadership Mastermind could be the next step to break through the noise. It’s where we work with leaders just like you who are ready to stop managing and start leading. If that sounds like you - simply join our information waitlist and we will keep you updated about our next intake. 

Check it out here: www.jimmyburroughes.com/glm24.

The question is: Are you ready to make that shift? Because it’s time.


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