Episode 13: Girard Training Solutions - Preparing The Next Generation Of Leaders with Eric Girard

Ever wondered what it takes to transition from an individual contributor to a people leader? Our guest, Eric Girard, former Curriculum Manager for Worldwide AppleCare Training and now CEO of Girard Training Solutions, shares invaluable insights on effectively preparing emerging leaders for their new roles. Get ready to discover the importance of front-loading new managers with courses, programs, and resources to help them succeed from day one.

​Eric Girard has over 30 years of experience helping improve the performance of managers and employees. He specializes in the development of new managers, focusing on their successful transition to their new roles and on their team management skills. He has a high-energy and engaging facilitation style.

Eric is a passionate, lifelong learner. As a PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor, he is pursuing the rating of Master Scuba Diver Trainer. When not designing or delivering training, he enjoys spending time outdoors with his wife and twin 14-year-old daughters.


Where to find more of Eric Girard:

Web: https://www.girardtrainingsolutions.com/ 

Management Development Unlocked Podcast: https://www.girardtrainingsolutions.com/podcast.html 

Email: [email protected]


Episode highlights:

  • How do you support the star performer when they get promoted
  • Building empathy muscle
  • The transition from individual contributor to manager 
  • Advice for a New Manager - 6 Steps for Thriving in your new role
  • Management Development Unlocked Podcast


Follow and Subscribe to Jimmy Burroughes

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jimmyburroughes/ 

Website: https://www.jimmyburroughes.com/ 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jimmybleadership/



Beat Burnout - Ignite Performance Chapter 1 is now available to download for FREE

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