Episode 24: The Move Into Governance And Becoming A Director with Julian Smith

Do you know what truly drives the strategic direction of an organization? Can you differentiate between board-level governance and management governance? These are some intriguing questions we'll dissect with Julian Smith. He offers an insider's perspective on how the wheels of governance turn, impacting the business strategies and the organization's culture. This episode is a goldmine of insights, whether you're a seasoned executive or an aspirant looking to transition into a governance role. Tune in as we delve into the heart of organizational governance with Julian Smith.

Julian Smith is an independent director with 14 years of governance experience, having retired from his executive career in 2019 as the Chief Customer Officer for Meridian Energy 

Julian is a chartered member of the Institute of Directors and the Chair of the Northland Branch and sits on a number of boards in NZ. 


Connect with Julian Smith


Episode highlights:

[4:37] The difference between governance and management

[5:52] Management of the business governance vs. board-level governance

[8:19] How to work effectively with the board

[20:40] Preparing for governance roles

[26:55] Handling or settling your finances first 

[30:57] Key takeaway

[32:23] Where to find more of Julian?

[33:11] Outro


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