5 tips for leading Millennials more effectively change coaching tips connection leadership mindset trust May 30, 2023

It’s estimated that by 2025 Millennials will make up as much as 75% of the workforce.

Leaders across organisations have realised that they need to adapt and embrace the changes...

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Leading into the future - better change coaching tips connection leadership mindset May 30, 2023

As I transitioned back to NZ from Mexico this Christmas, after a little over two years away “on the road”, I knew it was going to be tough settling back in. I was most likely going to...

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Teaching old dogs new tricks change coaching tips connection leadership mindset trust May 30, 2023

I was excited to attend the Jumpshift NZ Leadership Action Network event last week, focussed on Liberating Structures.

The name was a little mysterious to me. Was I about to hop into...

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Align Your Passions With Your New Career coaching tips connection leadership mindset May 30, 2023

“I want to do something I am passionate about” - A simple thinking framework to help you brainstorm the answer to this challenge.

Last week I was working with a client who wanted to...

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Needs versus wants 2.0 - re-imagined for high performance coaching tips connection leadership mindset May 30, 2023

As I work with clients on their (and my own) performance, I have been paying increasing attention to the power of the universe and my interaction with it. One of those areas for constant review is...

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BOXERS, SNOWBALLS, and FLOATS coaching tips connection leadership mindset trust May 30, 2023

What separates people who are high performers from those who succeed and then slide backward again?
My view is simple - discipline.

High performance comes from the disciplined 

repetition of...

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"Jump - Go Go Go!!!"​ coaching tips connection leadership mindset trust May 30, 2023

Jumping out of a perfectly good plane is something I haven’t done yet but it’s been a thing on the “almost” bucket list for a while now. However the insight keeps being...

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Try this instead of skinny dipping (office safe reading) change coaching tips connection leadership mindset trust May 30, 2023

Yes, the title is a clickbaity one - and I apologise. But the reason I chose it was based on a memory of a conversation many years ago with a mentor who used to say, "It's only when the tide goes...

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Goals: 6 easy ways to improve your chances of success coaching tips connection leadership mindset trust May 30, 2023

One of my goals in writing this blog is to look at everyday scenarios in new ways. My coaching practice is focused on performance. Each engagement is split into Sets, and Sets have Session A -...

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Are you swimming, floating or drowning? coaching tips connection leadership mindset trust May 30, 2023

This week, Traverse Worldwide moved from the amazing city of Lima, to Medellin in Colombia. Far from the Narco's portrayed badlands of Pablo Escobar, this place has transformed itself into a...

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3 more compassionate ways to approach people who are learning something new coaching tips connection leadership mindset trust May 30, 2023

It happens to us all. At some point we have to learn a new skill and all those experiences, skills and mental models we have relied on to get us through previously, just don't work. In fact we know...

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What would this look like if it were easy? change coaching tips connection imposter syndrome leadership mindset trust May 30, 2023

I spend a lot of my time asking myself multiple "hard" questions in pursuit of being the "best business I can be" - whilst being remote.

Fortuitously, as seems to be the case at present with all...

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