Successfully Empower Your Team To Take On New Challenges - My top 10 recommendations Jul 22, 2024

One of the most frequent challenges that leaders face is how to successfully and effectively empower their teams. There is always a tension between handing over skills quickly and the successful...

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3 Practical Ways to Retain Your Managers – Even When Things Are Really Tough Jul 22, 2024

Ever wonder why your managers keep leaving despite all the effort you put into creating a thriving environment? It’s a tough pill to swallow, especially after you’ve invested so much...

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Rethinking Your Leadership: Being a glacier not a firework Jul 03, 2024

Have you ever stopped to think if you're truly making a difference in your leadership role? We all like to think we are, but what if we could do even more without working harder?

I know it’s...

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The Worst Feeling in the World. Jun 07, 2024

Being Promoted to Senior Management and Being Told You’re Not Stepping Up

You finally did it. After years of hard work, late nights, and going above and beyond, you’ve been promoted to...

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Management vs. Leadership: Why Your Toolkit Isn't Enough for the VUCA world May 31, 2024

Imagine a world where every leadership challenge has a clear solution, a world where a well-stocked toolbox guarantees success. This, was the reality for the last coupler of hundred years....

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From Manager to Leader: Breaking Free from the Struggle May 18, 2024

This week, let's dive into a topic that hits home for many professionals: the struggle to transition from being a manager operating on the limit of their energy and capability to a high-performance...

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Escape the Multitasking Trap May 08, 2024

Let's face it, multitasking feels productive. We answer emails while on calls, brainstorm during meetings, and somehow manage to cook dinner while catching up on social media (or at least try to!)....

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The Hidden Edge: How ADHD-inclusive management builds stronger teams Apr 30, 2024

In the latest episode of The High-Performance Leader podcast, I sat down with productivity coach and industrial organizational psychologist Juli Shulem, M.S., PCC, CPC to...

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How to stop drowning in your Task List and Become a High-Impact Leader Apr 23, 2024

Do you ever feel yourself buried under an avalanche of tasks? Your to-do list shocks you with its ever-growing length. A constant undercurrent of urgency/emergency lies just beneath the surface,...

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A Fresh Innovation Playbook for Today's Leaders Apr 16, 2024

How Everyday Leaders Can Harness Innovation to Drive Meaningful Change

In the latest episode of The High Performance Leader Podcast, I sat down with Robyn Bolton, founder and chief...

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From Hamster Wheel to High Performance Apr 09, 2024

How Busy Managers Can Become Effective Leaders

Are you a busy manager constantly feeling overwhelmed and spinning your wheels? You're not alone. Many managers fall into the trap of the "hustle...

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How Kiwibank’s Culture Makeover Is Redefining Leadership Success Apr 02, 2024

Recently, I had an enlightening conversation on The High Performance Leader Podcast with Andrea Duncan from Kiwibank. We dove deep into what it means to lead with purpose...

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