Are you an exploited employee or an employee exploiter? burnout leadership performance trust May 30, 2023

This blog was one I thought long and hard about how to write. Then I thought, if it feels uncomfortable for me, there must be some truth in it and that is exactly when to write it.  

This week...

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Decrease burnout by increasing learning burnout leadership performance May 30, 2023

Did you know that the highest number of employees who report burnout are in mid-senior career roles?  We wondered why. 

Just over 18 months ago we started researching burnout and its...

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The connection that really keeps your team engaged burnout connection performance May 30, 2023

Last week we started discussing the idea of connection - in particular the idea of connecting new starters to the business, their peers, and the wider network they need to succeed.

This week,...

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How connection destroys burnout and boosts engagement burnout connection leadership May 30, 2023

Do you remember when you were younger, and the feeling of trepidation as you walked in the front door of a new school or club? 

“Will they like me? What if I don’t fit...

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Is your burnout the result of imposter syndrome? burnout coaching tips imposter syndrome leadership May 30, 2023

“I’m not sure I have it in me to go to work today”.

I woke up one morning 5 years ago and that exact thought flashed through my mind…..

My latest boss had just announced...

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Beat burnout by being more abundant burnout coaching tips leadership mindset performance trust May 30, 2023

Firstly, thank you to those of you who reached out after reading last week’s rant alert post - it seemed to strike a chord and I’m really happy about that. It means we have an...

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Why working toward purpose beats burnout burnout connection leadership May 30, 2023

“It doesn’t matter how hard I work, I just don’t seem to be making a difference. Any difference I do make, just doesn’t seem to be enough. I can’t see the...

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Do you have trust issues? leadership performance trust May 30, 2023

Imagine being in the Board Room, talking about the commercial upside of being a leader who builds trust. I found myself on a screen in exactly that conversation and smiling as this conversation...

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A little bit of kindness goes a long way burnout connection leadership May 30, 2023

I don’t think you can kill people with kindness. Certainly not in the leadership context. In fact, if anything, right now we have a great opportunity to be kinder and more caring. Let’s...

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When you stop delivering, magical things can happen burnout change coaching tips leadership mindset May 30, 2023

The house buyer's change of financial situation meant they couldn’t go through with the deal to purchase our home - 6 days from closing. A project we had been working on for nearly 6 months....

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Stop burnout and people leaving your team burnout coaching tips leadership May 30, 2023

A recent Deloitte survey showed that 53% of employees are looking for a new role that is going to be more healthy in terms of their wellbeing. Worse, 70% of C-level leaders reported they might...

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Creating and sharing your leadership brand - it's a game-changer coaching tips connection leadership mindset performance trust May 30, 2023

Do you have a leadership brand? Do you know what one is? 

Let’s explore why it’s important and if you’re truly committed to this process and want to make the most of it, read...

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