When you stop delivering, magical things can happen burnout change coaching tips leadership mindset May 30, 2023

The house buyer's change of financial situation meant they couldn’t go through with the deal to purchase our home - 6 days from closing. A project we had been working on for nearly 6 months....

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Stop burnout and people leaving your team burnout coaching tips leadership May 30, 2023

A recent Deloitte survey showed that 53% of employees are looking for a new role that is going to be more healthy in terms of their wellbeing. Worse, 70% of C-level leaders reported they might...

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Creating and sharing your leadership brand - it's a game-changer coaching tips connection leadership mindset performance trust May 30, 2023

Do you have a leadership brand? Do you know what one is? 

Let’s explore why it’s important and if you’re truly committed to this process and want to make the most of it, read...

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Avoid this common leadership development mistake change connection leadership mindset performance trust May 30, 2023

As we move to an age of digitized learning, it has become apparent that a lot of companies are going to focus on providers who offer app-based or online leadership content. The belief is that if...

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Leadership I learned from 5 years in business to help lead better coaching tips connection leadership mindset performance trust May 30, 2023

Have you ever grown anything? A plant? A child? A business?

Did it work out?

Growing things is hard and filled with lessons. This week we celebrated growing a business to 5 years old. It was a...

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Why tough conversations don’t go to plan May 30, 2023

In the Ways of Working program, one of the modules we talk about is Tough Conversations. This is an essential skill for teams to build trust and connect effectively. Without it, engagement,...

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The workshop that left me speechless burnout change connection leadership performance trust May 30, 2023

There we were in a workshop, talking about how to hand over tasks effectively, to free up energy and time to focus on more important things. I was explaining our proven 4 step process of...

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The 4-step 1:1 format transforms things for you and your team change coaching tips connection leadership trust May 30, 2023

When I talk to leaders at the start of Ways of Working Sponsor Sessions, I often ask how they conduct their 1:1s and how they support their teams.  

I ask, “What format do you...

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Why teams waste $50Bn per year on development programs connection leadership performance trust May 30, 2023

During my military and corporate careers, I attended a leadership development course at least once a year. Since becoming a consultant, I have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in my own...

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The 5 connections your team needs from you coaching tips connection leadership mindset performance trust May 30, 2023

Each week as I sit down to write this newsletter, I always consider what will be the most valuable message I can send. Valuable by helping you build a culture of trust, connection, and performance...

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Create a hybrid work plan which engages your employees coaching tips connection leadership trust May 30, 2023

During a recent Hybrid Ways of Working session, someone mentioned a colleague in the leadership team of another business, had decided that everyone would return to the office two days a week,...

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What is "Ways of Working" (WoW) and why does it work? connection trust May 30, 2023

When my team and I were putting together the Ways of Working (WoW) program we wanted to create something really impactful, cost-effective and that worked around the busy schedules of teams who were...

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