Employee experience is dependent on your leadership skills coaching tips connection leadership mindset May 30, 2023

The conversation that I have found myself experiencing multiple times this last week is how COVID has impacted the Employee Experience. 

I don't think I am an expert in employee experience....

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As we return to work, have you considered this? change coaching tips connection leadership mindset trust May 30, 2023

During the last few months, the internet has been overwhelmingly filled with content helping people to adapt to working in lockdown/shelter in place. 

So many webinars, so many lead magnets...

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We'll be alright once we get back to normal (right?) change coaching tips connection leadership mindset trust May 30, 2023

As NZ transitions to Level 2, and many people head back to work in their offices (or a coworking or somewhere else), there will be lots of leaders who are raring to go, to "make up for lost time"...

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Try this if you're missing watercooler conversations whilst WFH 7 de mayo de 2020|coaching tips connection leadership mindset trust May 30, 2023

If you're anything like the leaders I work with, you may have been struggling with creating a sense of connection amongst your team members since lockdown. This has left you feeling a little like...

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Are you swimming against the current? What I realized & changed. burnout coaching tips connection leadership mindset May 30, 2023

One of the things that have been top of mind for me during this lockdown period has been how and where I use my energy. About a week and a half ago I found myself feeling quite fatigued, and so I...

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How building trust requires good parenting & small talk coaching tips connection leadership mindset trust May 30, 2023

The concept of trust might feel like a funny thing to be talking about at this time however as the last few weeks have shown, it’s one of the key issues affecting business performance...

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A simple method for stabilizing yourself during a disruption coaching tips connection leadership mindset May 30, 2023

One day you feel like you’re on top of the world, in the zone, smashing it! All of a sudden, you realize that you are spinning out of control and the euphoria evaporates — replaced by...

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Glaciers, Dumbledore and the wrong paint choice-3 essential tips coaching tips connection leadership mindset trust May 30, 2023

Glaciers, Dumbledore and the wrong paint choice—3 essential leadership tips for the future.

I just spent 4 days in Melbourne with the Thought Leaders Business School on my first...

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5 tips for leading Millennials more effectively change coaching tips connection leadership mindset trust May 30, 2023

It’s estimated that by 2025 Millennials will make up as much as 75% of the workforce.

Leaders across organisations have realised that they need to adapt and embrace the changes...

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Leading into the future - better change coaching tips connection leadership mindset May 30, 2023

As I transitioned back to NZ from Mexico this Christmas, after a little over two years away “on the road”, I knew it was going to be tough settling back in. I was most likely going to...

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Teaching old dogs new tricks change coaching tips connection leadership mindset trust May 30, 2023

I was excited to attend the Jumpshift NZ Leadership Action Network event last week, focussed on Liberating Structures.

The name was a little mysterious to me. Was I about to hop into...

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Align Your Passions With Your New Career coaching tips connection leadership mindset May 30, 2023

“I want to do something I am passionate about” - A simple thinking framework to help you brainstorm the answer to this challenge.

Last week I was working with a client who wanted to...

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