Leadership Team conversations that change the game burnout change leadership mindset May 30, 2023

Picture the scenario. I’m running a “Ways of Working” session with the leadership team of a large Asian electronics company, utterly fascinated by the moments of insight happening...

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Try these 3 things to optimise your lessons learned change coaching tips leadership May 30, 2023

Last Thursday we welcomed leaders from all over the world to our monthly mastermind where we discussed how "lessons learned can grow your business". I'm always amazed at the gems of knowledge...

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The 4 tensions affecting your business change connection leadership mindset May 30, 2023

Leadership is hard because it’s a game of tensions: 

  • The tension between profit and people.
  • The tension between being strategic and operational performance.
  • The desire to be a high...
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Beat burnout with this one simple question burnout May 30, 2023

Did you know that burnout costs between $125 billion (USD) and $190 billion every year in healthcare costs? An incredible amount equating to approximately 8% of all business healthcare expenses....

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Three leadership insights about high performance coaching tips connection leadership mindset May 30, 2023

The road to high performance is paved with the golden bricks of experience and learning lessons. You often learn most from your mistakes and get better as a result.

In contrast though, one of the...

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Why high performing leaders break the ice burnout coaching tips imposter syndrome leadership trust May 30, 2023

I was on a call recently with a group of leadership thinkers; talking about the actively futurist leader. I shared this idea of leadership being similar to an icebreaker. A few people came up with...

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How communication ABC leads to performance 123 coaching tips connection leadership trust May 30, 2023

Great communicators repeatedly outperform good and bad communicators by a factor of up to 7x. 

In our last Leadership Mastermind, we shared some tools to help leaders communicate more...

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What the top 9% of communicators do differently connection leadership May 30, 2023

I’ve always been fascinated by communication. Therefore it seems logical if talking about better leadership to also talk about better communications too.

Whilst leaders spend much of their...

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The hybrid workforce is coming - are you ready? change connection leadership mindset May 30, 2023

The concept of the Great Resignation and how businesses can configure themselves differently for the future which will, for most, be comprised of hybrid workforces, is becoming a more notable...

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Are you sabotaging yourself? burnout change leadership mindset May 30, 2023

The last few weeks have been full of workshops with discussions on how to lead in the new world. New paradigms, challenges and situations. I think if you read this newsletter, you have certainly...

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Bow and wake effect change connection mindset May 30, 2023

I had several people reach out to me on my latest IG posts on @jimmybleadership this week related to my Bow and Wake post so I thought I would share it here too.

Just like a boat, as leaders, when...

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Stop telling your team how, and starting asking this burnout change May 30, 2023

As hybrid work becomes the norm for many companies, your team members are not the same people who headed home during the first lockdown. This new arrangement a mix of working from home and the...

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