The most important thing for you to do right now... coaching tips connection leadership mindset trust May 30, 2023

Life is a constant rush. We spend our time bustling from one deadline, project or task to the next and rarely take a moment to stop and just think about that one, most important thing that would...

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Achieving your intent and overcoming your doubts change coaching tips connection leadership mindset May 30, 2023

As a freelancer, you can face many doubts which can often get in the way of succeeding. Doubts in your head and those held by others. Thankfully so far I have seen nothing but encouragement and...

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Are you feeling emotionally disrupted or out of control? coaching tips connection leadership mindset trust May 25, 2023

One day you feel like you're on top of the world, in the zone, smashing it! All of a sudden, you realise that you are spinning out of control and the euphoria evaporates - replaced by panic /...

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